On Thu, Nov 09 2000, at 14:52:11 +0100, Fredrik Steen wrote:
> When I run lintian on my package i get the following output:
> E: sntop: copyright-file-is-gpl
> I read the manpage for lintian but didn't understand what it meant...

You can run lintian with the '-i' switch to display a short explanation
for each error. In your case, the copyright file contains the complete
text of the GPL. I believe policy says that it should refer to
/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL instead.


Anton Gyllenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                        +358-50-3412792
Lifix Systems Oy <http://www.lifix.fi/>                  PGP id DE9E86DA
Tekniikantie 21, FIN-02150 Espoo                         +358-9-25175272

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