>Hi Mariusz,

Hi Stefan,

>I see that you are using "Priority: urgent", "Importance: High"
>headers all the time, and repeating your sponsor requests 2-3 times
>within a short time-period.

This is not true. I request sponsorship for qtcups twice and 
for kups - once. I did second request for qtcups because I provided
additional information about my web page and about my new e-mail account.
I am sorry if I wasted your time.

>I think it is a good netiquette not to abuse the priority fields,
>and searching through the debian-devel list I found that you've
>used high-importance for almost half of your letters to the list,
>while I've found almost none of the other mails to carry these flags.
>(and if they did, they were marked 'Normal').

O.K. Maybe. I am sorry. 
If you maintain such statitistics you are right probably.
Previously I used Outlook (in work) and it was preconfigured with
such stupid flags. Now I use kmail from my private account and 
everything is under control

>Please see yourself in a greater perspective (i.e. "is my message
>really important/urgent") and have some patience (I know it's hard,
>I got my sponsor after a long time, and has still not gotten my
>ID checked by my A-M after two months assignment).

I am patient and I am not worry.
But I think you should first send me above your message privately only
before blaming me in such public way. 
This is not a good example of netiquette for many young people 
(not like me) which want to join Debian developers.
I am sorry I wasted your time again.

Best Regards,

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