On Thu, Sep 28, 2000 at 12:52:30PM +0200, Bernhard R. Link wrote:
> On 27 Sep 2000, Itai Zukerman wrote:
> > > For this situation, I would suggest that we start to be really strict, and
> > > use chroot jails for *all* builds.
> It may resolve the situation, but I would much more elgeant, if it would
> not necessary, wouldn't it?
> > I support the chroot jail concept, but in this case gimp1.1 would
> > need to build-depend on lpr to get a proper build.
> Isn't it possible to change gimp so that it will always support them?
Maybe maintainers should start using sbuild for building (or at least
testing) their packages, just like the buildds do. It does even support a
chroot environment, by this all Build-depend bugs will be noticed
automatically. A little more work for the maintainer, but a great relief
for the buildds...