On Mon, Sep 18, 2000 at 04:13:51PM +0200, Tom Cato Amundsen wrote:
> I am packaging python-slang, and the upstream tarball contains
> precompiled binaries for linux, sparc-solaris and win32. Is it
> ok to remove the directory with the binaries from orig.tar.gz?
> People are talking about pristine source and these are ... binaries.

Pristine, yes, but why not binaries shipped from upstream? The
packaging manual does not say anywhere that the orig.tar.gz cannot
contain binaries.

orig.tar.gz should contain the original upstream source as it is
shipped from upstream. You can use the debian/rules file (which will
appear in the diff.gz file) to specify which files actually get added
to the debian package. That is how you can exclude the precompiled

Debian GNU/Linux Developer
Dept. of Astronomy, University of Massachusetts, Amherst

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