On Sun, Sep 03, 2000 at 03:51:00PM -0700, Joey Hess wrote:
> Domenico Andreoli wrote:
> > everything works very well, but lintian complains about unknown control
> > files referring to debian/config and debian/templates.
> This is becuase lintian is taking a strict interprtation of policy and
> complaining about all additional files. Yes, it can be argued that using
> debhelper causes a package to violate policy. Perhaps policy should be
> fixed..
if i am not wrong, my package is already ok, right?

> > btw, now that i think at it, you know debian/config file? yeah, it has
> > the first command line parameter that is "configure" or "reconfigure". the
> > second is the version of the package and it is present only if debian/config
> > happens to be executed by dpkg-reconfigure.
> It is? That would be a bug; please file a bug report with a test case.
> The second parameter is supposed to always be set to the version of the
> package that is being configured.
i misread docs, first parameter is equal to "reconfigure" only if
debian/config is invoked by dpkg-reconfigure. second is always package version.

thanks for your fast explainations. :)

-----[ Domenico Andreoli, aka cavok ]--            ----[ ICQ: 56447243
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