On Mon, Jul 31, 2000 at 04:49:44PM +0200, Christian Hammers wrote:
> Before forcing the maintainers to make themselfes the work to figure these
> dependencies out we should tell them that such a list already exists!
> (And don't tell me that they should have known it from various discussions
> under strange topics in some lists!)
I did post it once when I was sick of reporting "Build-Depends missing" type
bug reports. On debian-devel-announce I think... nobody reacted, go figure.
> Maybe Roman should "generalize" his work an file more bug reports until 
> this list is purely generated from the control's files lines.
Did you look at his bug record? I think he files quite a few bugs, the
problem seems to me that not all maintainers do not react on the bug reports.
I have reported some of those bugs, some more than 6 months old and the
maintainer did not react at all. Maybe they should be all set to Important
to wake up those guys.

As I said before, if you havent received any such bugs, you did a good job.
AFAIK the m68k buildd now builds all packages in a chroot environment and
will fail if Build-Depends are missing. That should be pretty easy for every
maintainer to do, I saw instructions for this at least twice on this list
(but havent tried myself yet). If you use this together with sbuild, you can
do all this pretty automatic, like the buildds do, but you still have to
report those bugs...

PS If Roman does not answer, it is because of his new job and his new mail


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