Bart Schuller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Sun, Aug 13, 2000 at 05:42:40PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Christian Marillat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > 
> > >     if [ `pidof sawfish` ]; then
> > 
> > Consider a bug being opened against it.
> > 
> > Installation MUST be non-interactive.
> Strong words. I don't think you'll find similar words in policy, which
> you will quote when you file these kinds of bugs, I hope?

Yes, pretty strong words. Hope they wake up some people.
It was a lot of work to get to debconf (also not quite the best
solution in my eyes as a perl hater) and that work was mainly
encouraged to save people from useless answeres and enable
non-interactive installation (paired with the need for nicer

I also know that policy says otherwise (as quoted in another mail),
but I think it is time to change that for woody. User interaction
should be discouraged by policy, esspecially for such stupid reasons
as bad code. Configuration using debconf should of cause be strongly
encouraged and important messages should be saved in a logfile and
displayed at the end all together instead inbetween unimportant

At the moment the interaction seems needed, but it should go in the
future. Poping up a requester telling the admin to restart all
sawmills is not the bugfix but a needed workaround and should be
considered such. How do you update a Universities systems? During
woring hours there will be lots of people using sawfish and students
normaly stay a lot longer than working hours.

> Yes, I'd like installs be non-interactive too, if possible.
> Guess what: the interactive warning only triggers if there's an actual
> user running sawfish at that very moment.

Everything else would not even be a workaround. :)

> Not warning her is an option, but the only good it will do is that bugs
> like #67757 will be filed again.

Fixing the source not to crash is the only option in the long run.

May the Source be with you.

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