Fredrik Steen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I have been using Debian for quite some time now and really want to
>get my hands dirty and help out making this great distribution even
>I have made a package of MP3html and would like to get comments how I
>have done. I want to be fully prepered and have quality packages when
>I apply for being a new maintainer/developer.
>You can find the packages on the urls below:
>[My homepage]

Hmm. You'd really need to include the Debian diff (.diff.gz) and
preferably the .dsc file too before we can take a proper look at it, as
otherwise we can't really tell if the way you're building the package is
correct (and you'll need to upload these if you become a Debian
developer anyway). The upstream tarball should then be called
mp3html-1.3.8.orig.tar.gz. (If you use dpkg-buildpackage or debuild,
they'll produce the appropriate files for you.)

The resulting .deb looks fair enough to me, though.

(Disclaimer: I'm only in the new-maintainer queue myself, I'm not a
developer yet.)

Colin Watson                                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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