Is --best the same as -9?

On 01-May-2000 Pedro Guerreiro wrote:
> ght now it seems that there is an error somewhere. Let me explain: when
> packaging greed, lintian reported that the man page was not compressed with
> the --best option. Ok, I've decompressed it and compressed again with this
> switch, and it gave the same error. What the $%&#?
> However, if I do this 'gzip -dc greed.1.gz | gzip -9 > greed.1.gz' lintian
> does not report any error, and the compressed file is 8 bytes shorter
> (AFAICT, this happens because this way the name of the file is nor recorded
> in the compressed file). Also, if I decompress the file, and leave it up to
> debhelper to compress the file, lintian reports no error, and the file is
> the same size as the original one (t

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