I have packaged some stuff for local use and use by friends already, but I want to do it right this time. I want to package a program written by a friend of mine. It's called gmoo, it's a GTK+ MOO (& MUD) client... which can also use TCL and/or PERL script to enhance it's functions. I am having two difficulties:
* Section: In what section should I put it... it's is a client for diverse use... it can connect to MOOs, all kinds of MUDs and maybe you can find another use for it :) So I think it should be in Net, but it could also go into X11 or, like TinyFugue (package 'tf'), in Games (which I have always considered weird since I saw it was in there...)? And where should I put the binary, the default is /usr/bin (Makefile had /usr/local PREFIX), but /usr/X11R6/bin could also be right (when to choose what is not clear to me). * Depends gmoo has support for gettext, gnome ZVT, PERL and TCL scripts... I have all those -dev packages installed and I guess when I'll make the package, gmoo will depend on all of them, but that doesn't have to be! If I put a suggest on TCL, and someone doesn't have it... what will happen?? TIA for helping me... if I get this right, is someone willing to sponsor this for me? Paul ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Student @ | Using the Power of Debian/GNU Linux University of Technology | ICQ: 8678828 Eindhoven, The Netherlands | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]