Hi.  I'd like to get my package for sitescooper into debian.  I did
everything the website says for becoming a member, but then DWN said
NM was closed still.  

So...I have my package almost done, and I guess I'm looking for
sponsorship/final stage guidance.  I really want to become a member,
but I guess I'm feeling a little discouraged by the folks on #debian
who've been waiting for months for NM to reopen.

Anyway.  Anyone want to give me some guidance and pointers?  I'd
appreciate it.


-- michael d. ivey, chief thinker  --- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -----------
------ gweezle bur poetry manufacturing  <http://gweezlebur.com> -------
"In this house, we obey the laws of thermodynamics!"    -- Homer Simpson

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