Hello, ... while working on apus boot floppies, i had a problem with the amiga-fdisk packages, who uses libreadline, but i need a version of it without readline and ncurses for the boot floppies.
So i modified the source, and added a define that enables readline support or not. Now, i want ot build two packages from it, the first amiga-fdisk should stay as before, and the seconf, amiga-fdisk-boot-floppies, should contain a second version of the executable, but recompiled without libreadline. I managed to produce both binaries, amiga-fdisk and amiga-fdisk-boot-floppies and added a package description in the control file. But both of the binaries absolutely want to go into the first packages, letting the second one empty. How do i tell the dpkg-build stuff to put the second file in the second package. Where can i find info on building multi binaries packages ? The packaging manual seems mute about it. Also if i want both executables to have the same name, how can i do this ? Friendly, Sven LUTHER