PALBART is a crossassembler for a DEC PDP-8.  It is the basic PAL
assembler plus a few enhancements by BART to run some signs.

It would primarily be of interest to users of SIMH and any other 
PDP8 emulators.

The original source code is available at:   

I've already made the package for i386 and all its files are 
available at :

(that is not yet an apt-get accessible site)

I'm now looking for sponsorship for this package, as I am not an
Official Debian Developer.

Its my second Debian package, its lintian clean and is a pretty simple 
package, single binary, no libraries, no SUID anything, just a plain
ole assembler.

Heres the license, from the source code, which I interpret as meeting
DFSG (why people feel the need to (poorly) reinvent the GPL I don't

/*    This is free software.  There is no fee for using it.  You may make   */
/*    any changes that you wish and also give it away.  If you can make     */
/*    a commercial product out of it, fine, but do not put any limits on    */
/*    the purchaser's right to do the same.  If you improve it or fix any   */
/*    bugs, it would be nice if you told me and offered me a copy of the    */
/*    new version.                                                          */

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