
I plan to upload a sponsored package, TIP (Tip isn't Pico). Some time ago,
there was a discusion in debian-devel, about the building of a Free Pico
clone. In the middle of that discussion, somebody named TIP, this enhanced
and GPLd Pico clone. Since then, have been in touch with Chris Allegratta, 
TIPs author, and have been building unofficial tip packages (available at
www.sindominio.net/~jordi). He wanted to hold back an official package until
some bugs were solved, and now he thinks TIP is mature enough for it's
inclussion in Debian. He wonders if something could be done to make Tip a
replacement of non-free Pico. He said alternatives, or whatever. I think
this isn't possible, but maybe I'm very mistaken.

What is the "normal" procedure to make Debian users aware of the inclusion
of a package that can replace a non-free package? Is this idea of a tip -->
pico alternative not bad at all?

Thank you in advance,


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