I´m still on that portsentry package and unsure about the proper directories
and permissions for some files, any comments greatly appreciated:
- upstream sets the configuration files 600, I changed that to 644
- Currently I put all state-enigne & log-files into /var/lib/portsentry. To my
  understanding of the policy the portsentry.blocked.* (state engine) files
  should go into /var/state/portsentry and the log-file portsentry.history
  into /var/log/. Right? Should portsentry.history then be renamed to
- i set the section to non-free/net, would non-free/admin be better?

 -- Guido

PGP-Public Key: http://honk.physik.uni-konstanz.de/~guido/gunther.asc
GPG-Public Key: http://honk.physik.uni-konstanz.de/~agx/guenther.gpg.asc

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