Hello everyone...

        I have a question.  I have recently taken over from Marcelo the
WindowMaker packages.  In the past these packages have been split between
wmaker, wmaker-plain, wmaker-kde, wmaker-gnome.  I want to merge all
of these packages together.  (this does not mean that wmaker is dependant
on gnome or kde, has it is just support for window manager hinting for
both of these environments, the total cost is less then 50K in the 

        I have changed the control file to have the following lines.

Replaces: wmaker-superfluous, wmaker-traditional, wmaker-sound, wmaker-kde, wmak
Conflicts: wmaker-superfluous, wmaker-traditional, wmaker-sound, wmaker-kde, wma
Provides: wmaker-kde, wmaker-gnome, wmaker-plain

        Now, when I build the new combined wmaker deb with all of the previous
debs installed (wmaker, wmaker-plain, wmaker-kde, wmaker-gnome) it complains
about a conflict.  First, dpkg checks the wmaker-kde package and determins 
that it can remove it without a problem, but when it hits the wmaker-gnome
package it screams about wmaker and wmaker-gnome being conflicting packages
and halts the install.  

        I cannot explain to myself why wmaker-kde would get processed
correctly and wmaker-gnome does not.  Any ideas?  Do you need more information?


chris mckillop - [EMAIL PROTECTED]    "The faster I go, the behinder I get."
Debian GNU/Linux                                     -- Lewis Carroll 
Waterloo Aerial Robotics Group - http://ece.uwaterloo.ca/~warg/

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