
On Sat, 25.09.99 10:21 +1000, Brian May wrote:
> If useradd is the wrong program to use (thats my guess), then the same
> functionality should (IMHO) be moved to adduser. That way you can
> configure the user with one program call, and not worry about usermod.

Oh no ! You missed the point ! :-)

I was not talking about wheter or not using useradd or adduser - I have
to use Debian's adduser and usermod to handle all cases where a user is
preexisting, or a group is preexisting and the user not or both are there
and they have a wrong shell etc....

The point was that nscd caches all the passwd stuff but not all programs
use this cache ! Even Debian's adduser in standalone use has problems:

Watch this:

[with nscd]
-=(/home/ch)# adduser test1
Adding user test1...
Adding new group test1 (1002).
Adding new user test1 (1002) with group test1.
useradd: unknown group test1
adduser: `useradd -d /home/test1 -g test1 -s /bin/bash -u 1002 test1' returned 
error code 1536.  Aborting.
Cleaning up.
Removing user `test1'.
userdel: user test1 does not exist
Removing group `test1'.
groupdel: group test1 does not exist

[stopping nscd, removing group/user test1]

[without nscd]
-=(/home/ch)# adduser test1
Adding user test1...
Adding new group test1 (1002).
Adding new user test1 (1002) with group test1.
Creating home directory /home/test1.
Copying files from /etc/skel
Changing password for test1
Enter the new password (minimum of 5, maximum of 8 characters)
Please use a combination of upper and lower case letters and numbers.
New password:

read you,


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