I'm currently working on a debian package for portsentry. Portsentry can detect 
portscans(including stealth scans). One can start two instances of the program, 
one with the -tcp option and one with -udp. Currently I'm using something like:
start-stop-daemon --start --verbose --exec $DAEMON -- -tcp
start-stop-daemon --start --verbose --exec $DAEMON -- -udp
obviously the second line fails, since there's already an instance of 
portsentry running. What I like to do is to check if there's already an 
instance of the program running with exactly the same commandline arguments. Is 
there a way to accomplish this using start-stop-daemon or will I have to check 
/proc by hand? Would be great, if someone could help me out, since I can't wait 
to release the package...

PGP-Public Key: http://honk.physik.uni-konstanz.de/~guido/gunther.asc

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