I've completed a package of the quicklaunch applet for GNOME.  The description

This is a GNOME applet that adds some pretty small icons to
your panel, like Windows' QuickLaunch toolbar. They are smaller
than the normal GNOME launchers so you can fit more on your panel.
It can also be torn away from the panel and put elsewhere.

I've run it through lintian and it would appear all good.  I'd be really
stoked if someone could mentor me; I've lurking about on -devel and on IRC for
quite a while, so I think I've got a good idea of what's going on.

If you're interested in helping me out, let me know.

The packages are available at:

Adam Keys

>           Adam Keys          |                                              <
>      [EMAIL PROTECTED]      |             Adam Keys Revolutions            <
>         214.768.5607         |      We've got radicals for every party      <
>         ICQ# 11772935        |                                              <
So it goes
 --Kurt Vonnegut, _Slaughterhouse Five_

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