On Tue, Aug 10, 1999 at 07:27:01PM +0200, KELEMEN Peter wrote:

> Apart from this, someone please shed some light on where can I find a
> development machine for unstable that has *all* the latest Debian
> development stuffs installed?  Meaning dpkg-dev, dh-make, debhelper,
> cvs, cvs-buildpackage, lintian, dupload, pgp, just to mention some.  And
> of course the headers and libraries from unstable that one can link
> against.

pandora.debian.org. All developers have access to this i386 machine
running potato. Currently, I see that dh-make and cvs-buildpackage are
not installed. The rest seem to be available. Try emailing
[EMAIL PROTECTED] to see if you can get somebody to install the
missing development utilities. The list of machines available to
developers is available on the "Developer's Corner" off the debian



Gopal Narayanan                          Ph #: (413) 545 0925
Five College Radio Astronomy Observatory Fax#: (413) 545 4223
University of Massachusetts              e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Amherst MA 01003

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