On Wed, Jul 28, 1999 at 04:35:54PM +0200, Jozef Hitzinger wrote:
> There are two daemons, running as nobody.nogroup, and they need to access
> the state file (/var/state/ups/*). Could you tell me where & how to chown 

Are you sure you want to use nobody.nogroup? If multiple packages use
the same UID and GID (instead of a unique UID:GID), the security goes
downhill... I am a bit surpised that this doesn't seem to be mentioned
in the policy (not my version at least).

The only other packages that I am aware of (I haven't looked too hard)
that uses nobody:nogroup is the one containing /etc/cron.daily/find and
Samba. So if somebody broke into the guest account of Samba, they could
also destroy your state files and kill your daemon too.

(Anybody - Please correct me if I am wrong... It doesn't seem to be a
problem that both /etc/cron.daily/find and Samba use nobody, on slink,
so maybe I have overstated the problem.)

> it? I'm using current debhelper package, with dh_fixperm in debian/rules.

I don't think it matters exactly where it goes - just as long as it works.
Are you sure you need chown? If the file is installed, using "install",
you can use the -o and -g options to set the ownership to what you want.


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