So, in my efforts to be useful.....

        I would like to help hunt out and squash some of the bugs currently
listed on  However, it would seem that a little caution
is in order.   How should I approach submitting the fixes I perform?  Should
I simply do them as a patch sent to the maintainer or can I repackage them
and dupload 'em?  Also, can I just start nailing bugs I think I can 
chase out or is there a more formal method of declaring war on a given
bug?  With people talking about release, I figure more and more of us
should be approaching the huge number of outstanding "issues" listed.

        Now, the other thing I could be doing is adopting some packages.
What do people think?  Time better spent making what we have run better
or time spent becoming a full maintainer of something?


chris mckillop - [EMAIL PROTECTED]    "The faster I go, the behinder I get."
Debian GNU/Linux                                     -- Lewis Carroll              
Waterloo Aerial Robotics Group -

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