
I am looking for help in packaging rasmol-2.6 (hopefullly not riddled with
multiple licenses).

I have packaged two very very very simple packages and one very very simple 
one, all using debhelper, so I know a little tiny bit. I was able to work out
most of the stuff myself: I authored each of the things I packaged, and so I
know them well, the only thing left was details involving packaging, and that
was easy.

Here's the current problem...

I am trying to get rasmol to see an x display, and it won't see it...

I was able to build the whole bin after finding and fixing a problem involving
an unknown data type; fixing that made the whole thing build.

When I run the binary, it appears I have a command interpreter, and it says
it cant find a "suitable" display, whatever that means.

I tried also a later version (with more licenses than a hamfest meeting) which
built without incident and said the same thing.

So, I seek someone who has the time, energy and willingness to look at C code.

Any takers? :)


P.S: I'll put the code at www.debian.org/~jwl/ so you can look if and as you

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