i'm making up a package that checks email attachments for "suspicious" 
macros - if found it quarantines them in a /var/spool directory

i've made a cron.daily script that will remove quarantined files older 
than 2 weeks


after a "remove", i no longer run the checker, so no new messages will 
be quarantined - should i also stop running the cron script or is it
a good idea to continue removing old messages?

on a "purge", should i remove this directory (and any quarantined
messages), or should i leave them and rely on the admin noticing the
"not empty so not removing directory" message from dpkg?

(i was going to have the postrm ask, but i'd rather avoid requiring

i'm thinking the best solution is to not remove the files, and echo a
message saying that i'm not  (principle of least surprise)

 - Gus

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