On Tue, Jun 01, 1999 at 11:52:24AM -0700, Jakob 'sparky' Kaivo wrote:
> On Tue, 1 Jun 1999, Mitch Blevins wrote:
> > In foo.debian-mentors, you wrote:
> > > Why should we need to have two differing copies?  Everyone can download
> > > from non-US servers - they just can't be hosted in the US.  (IMHO main
> > > is only in 'US' servers because the majority of developers are in the US).
> > 
> > I believe the bandwidth is cheaper in the US, as well as many of
> > the companies donating bandwidth being located here.  But you are
> > right, it is just a practical consideration.  Ideally, we should
> > have one distribution hosted in the free-world (not US).
> Ideally, yes. Realistically, no, because this would prevent CD vendors
> located in the US from selling CD's to foreigners.

Um...why so?  A CD vendor can still make a copy from an image obtained
outside the US (in the free-world).  What they cant do is put crypto code
on a cd (regardless of download origin, US or not), and sell it to foreigners.

The point is, that ideally the whole distribution should be in the free-world,
so that anyone, anywhere could point apt at one server and get "debian",
including crypto and all.  However, for practical reasons (bandwidth, majority
locations, etc) we want to have main in a non-free location, which requires
splitting the crypto code out.



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