Taketoshi Sano proclaimed:
> So, I proposed the author to change the license as following,
> and He agrees to this change now.
>  %%%
> Redistribution and use with or without modification are permitted provided
> that the following conditions are met:
> 1. One of the following (1-a,1-b,1-c)
>    1-a. Source distribution have all information in the original distribution.
>    1-b. Binary distribution have the complete corresponding machine-readable
>         source code to build up the working version of the software.

Many users get Debian in a binary form (because it is cheaper).  How could
such a user comply with 1-b when they buy a binary only CD?  1-c is too
complex for me to even understand.

Furthermore, all bits are machine-redable by nature.  The bits are already
in a machine.  In my eyes 1-b might be read as saying that you can ship the
binaries as long as you ship *printed* source code with it that is machine

The author should probably change 1-b to:

1-b. Binary distribution have documentation on means of obtaining source
code to build a working version of the software.

"Marge, this ticket doesn't just give me a seat.  It also give me the
    right -- no, the duty -- to make a complete ass of myself."
                     -- Homer J. Simpson
Sudhakar C13n http://people.netscape.com/thaths/ Lead Indentured Slave

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