On Wed, 26 May 1999, Peter S Galbraith wrote:

> >  Peter> (I have a perhaps similar problem with mh-book: I wrote a cgi-bin
> >  Peter> search engine that returns URLs like file:/usr/doc/mh-book/...
> >  Peter> and so it won't really work for remote hosts accessing mh-book
> >  Peter> through http://SERVER_NAME/doc/mh-book; the solution is probably
> >  Peter> to return http://SERVER_NAME/doc/mh-book URLs instead of
> >  Peter> file:/usr/doc/mh-book because that also works locally but then I
> >  Peter> have to parse config files to get the SERVER_NAME like dwww does.
> >  Peter> I assume I can't expect $ENV{SERVER_NAME} to work for all 
> >  Peter> cgi-bin capable web servers as it does for Apache)
> >         
> >         But not all cgi-bin capable browsers ;-)
> I think I'll simply check $ENV{SERVER_NAME} and use it if
> defined.  That will cover a good proportion of cases anyway.

Um, just a suggestion, but why not just return a page via http that has no
hostname explicitly specified, so that all links and hrefs in it are
relative? i.e., instead of returning a URL of the form
http://SERVER_NAME/doc/mh-book, just return /doc/mh-book

Works for most of my applications, at least.

Mike Renfro  / Instructor, Basic Engineering Program
931 372-3601 / [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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