Peter S Galbraith asks:

> The gri package for i386 is 2MB in size.  About 3/4 of that are
> docs suitable for all archs.
> Should I split the package to save space on servers (sharing the
> doc) and keep it as is to reduce name space and number of
> packages?
> I do think most gri users will want the docs (especially since
> it's a programming language, so users need to learn it).  But
> perhaps a minority of users would upgrade the binary package and
> not necessarily the docs package as often if they were on a modem
> connection. 

You should definitely split off the documents, in fact split it in three as
explained below.

Reason: in practice most "users" of exotic programming languages (i.e.,
anything not in {C,C++} :) turn out to be "indirect users", i.e., users
that only download the language because some other package depends on it.
(Please read on before refusing this.)

Thus a programming language L usually comes in three packages:

1. Absolute minimal "L-base" package in either the interpreters or libraries
   section (as appropriate) with what is needed to run L-programs written
   (and compiled, if appropriate) by someone else.

   This is what packages using L should depend on.

2. "L-dev" package the compiler and what is needed to compile (and link, if 
   appropriate) programs in the language.

   This is the package that other packages containing (or generating)
   L-source programs will depend on.

3. "L-doc" package with the documentation for "real" users of L.

   No-one depends on this package but it could be "Suggest:"ed by L-dev.

Remember: don't think to small -- if the gri programming language is worth
using it is worth making packages with it.  This means that there will be
indirect users in the sense above.

Best regards,
Kristoffer Høgsbro Rose, phd, prof.associé  <>
addr. LIP, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, 46 Allée d'Italie, F-69364 Lyon 7
phone +33(0)4 7272 8642, fax +33(0)4 7272 8080   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
pgp f-p: A4D3 5BD7 3EC5 7CA2 924E D21D 126B B8E0   <[EMAIL PROTECTED],tug}.org>

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