[Since this question relates strongly to the way debian handles tcl in
general,  I've cc'd the maintainer of tcl8].

A package I'm responsible for (tclmidi) installs a _whole_mess_ of man
pages.  Some go in section 1,  as they're executable tcl scripts.  The
others,  though,  are put by default in the "n" section,  which obviously
doesn't exist.  Where should I put them?  

The package is a tcl library written in C++ which adds some midi commands
to the standard tcl command set.  The man pages in the 'n' section
document these commands, so they're essentially further documentation of
tcl functions.  Should I just put them in /usr/doc/tclmidi/man?  I used to
put them in the /usr/man/man3 section, with extension .3tcl, but this
doesn't work so well.

Also,  do tcl libraries need associated -dev packages?  You can't really
do debugging with the package,  as the commands are useless without tclsh
and everything's interpreted anyway ...



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|           You think you're so smart,  but I've seen you naked          |
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