Hi !

I am the maintainer of the wwwoffle cache program. This program allows
the user since its latest version to use the optional htdig program to
search its cache. A nice function btw.

Now, because htdig shows html pages and the wwwoffle mini-http-server
doesn't get everything correct I had to rewrite some of the htdig's html
pages (wrong image links etc).
There I had the idea to put a wwwoffle and Debian Logo next to the htdig 
Logo to make the page somewhat nicer. 

But now: How do I put the additional Debian-Logo (only 2k) into the 
diff file ???  Can I rely on the sharutils package though it is only 
"standard" and not "essential" ?

read you,


Linux - the choice of the GNU generation.          Join the Debian Project 
Christian Hammers * Oberer Heidweg 35 * D-52477 Alsdorf * Tel: 02404-25624
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