Peter S Galbraith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Jorg Schuler wrote:
> > > Or packaging-help?
> > 
> > debian-pkghelp seems good.
> > 
> > Yes, I'm afraid packaging-help might get confused with
> > packages-help...
> ?
> I think I'd confuse debian-pkghelp with help on packages
> more than packaging-help.
     I don't see much chance for confusion in either one.  I would
find either one acceptable, but I think a name change is essential.
> In addition, says
> this about the debian-mentors list:
>      This list is for newbie maintainers who seek help with initial
>      packaging and other developer-related issues. Those who
>      prefer one-on-one help should also post to the list, and an
>      experienced developer will volunteer.
> I've always interpreted `Those who prefer one-on-one help' as any
> user about any topic, so perhaps that should be clarified.

     Many experienced developers have asked for and received help on
this list, which is good.  I suggest the charter should read:

      This list is for maintainers and would-be maintainers who seek
      help with  packaging and other developer-related issues. Those who
      prefer one-on-one help on these subjects should also post to the
      list, and an experienced developer will volunteer.

     In addition, I think everyone who posts user-type questions to
this list should receive a polite response suggesting he post to

  |_)  _  |_       Robert D. Hilliard    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  |_) (_) |_)      Palm City, FL  USA    PGP Key ID: A8E40EB9

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