In foo.debian-mentors, you wrote:
>     Hello there.
> My name is Marco Kuhlmann; I am intending to prepare several
> Debian packages containing the Mozart Programming System (see
> for further information). Being totally
> unexperienced when it comes to packaging, I guess I am going to
> appear quite often on this list in the future. So please, be
> patient with me...
> My first question concerns the naming convention for library
> files. The project I am intendig to package makes use of a
> configure script, which also checks for some library header
> files and the libraries themselves. When the script reaches the
> check for the gmp2 library, it fails in detecting the file on my
> system -- although I have installed the gmp2 package.
> I found out that the script checks for, while the
Are you sure you don't mean that the script is checking for
This is the problem I ran into when I looked at packaging it.
Of course you can set up local symlinks, but that is not the answer.
I grepped my heart out but could not figure out how to modify their
configure script to look for instead of

> deb-packaged version of gmp2 contains a Setting up
> a symlink solves the problem, but I guess that is not the idea.
> Now my question: Is it the script that is not well-written, or
> is it the gmp2-package that does not set up links properly, or
> what is it?

You might also write the upstream author(s) and explain your situation.
They probably know best how to get their configure script to use an
alternate library name.

If you get desperate, I'm sure many solutions could be found to this
on the debian-ugly-hacks list. ;-)


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