Hello, ... i am currently packaging mlgtk, the Ocaml bindings for Gtk+.
the mlgtk sources are under the LGPL, so they should go into main, same as all the gtk stuff. but ocaml is in non-free (well actually it is just on my harddrive, because i am still asking autorisation from the autors to make distribute binary modifications, since the licence allow only distribution of modified works as patches to the source, but no binaries ...). so does the mlgtk package now go into contrib (if it depends on ocaml) or main (if you consider that it is only bindings to glib/gdk/gtk) actually the mlgtk only contains a C library, and a few ocaml libraries, that you have to link with your ocaml programs. You can install them without ocaml being present, but not use them (after all they are only bindings). And after all, they are binding to gtk, which definitively is in main. Friendly, Sven LUTHER