Hi !

I have a problem with my wwwoffle package:
it has a config file /etc/wwwoffle.conf.
When installing I try to convert existing config files with a shipped 
config file converter and only if that fails because it is the first
install of wwwoffle, I copy the example conf file from the /usr/doc.

The problem is now, that I have mark the /etc/wwwoffle.conf as "configfile"
in the ...../debian/conffiles file. But when building, dpkg complains that
the named conffile is not there, what is quit right, since while shipping, 
the file isn't in /etc, but in /usr/doc...

What should I do now ? 
simply let dpkg handle the overwriting/not-installing of the config file
and mark the file in debian/conffiles
did not mark it in debian/conffiles and let postinst handle the file.

Both will earn me some bug reports :-)

read you,


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Christian Hammers * Oberer Heidweg 35 * D-52477 Alsdorf * Tel: 02404-25624
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