On Sun, 15 November 1998 14:20:49 -0500, Mitch Blevins wrote:
> I should follow up that I downloaded and looked at Diablo
> (but did not compile because I don't have xmake).

dists/slink/main/binary-i386/devel/xmake_1.05-1.deb ,-)

> Looking at the XMakefile.inc, it appears that the author specifically
> disabled dynamic linking for GNU systems, but not for others.

I found it.
.set LSTATIC    -static

I removed it and it now shows a dependency on libc6 and lintian is happy.

> It would be worthwhile to contact the author to get his reasoning for doing
> this.  There may be something in the program that doesn't work as desired
> when dynamically linked.

Ok, I'll ask him. Thanks for looking into it. I'm not doing that well
with C and makefiles....

I'll also ask him about the license..


Who wants to live forever if true love has to die?
 -- Freddy Mercury & Brian May
Alexander Koch - <>< - aka Efraim - PGP - 0xE7694969 - Hannover - Germany

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