On Sat, Oct 31, 1998 at 01:02:09AM +0100, Martin Schulze wrote:
> Chris Leishman wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I was wondering if someone could give me a quick rundown on maintaining
> > a non-US package, ie. how to upload, what the section name in the package
> > should be and anything else that is relevant.
> Simply upload it to nonus.debian.org, there's also an incoming
> directory, send the mail to dd-changes.
> > Also, what is the state of the non-US distribution?
> What do you want to hear?  "horrible"?  "desastrous"? Well, take a look
> at nonus.debian.org and judge yourself.

Thats what I sort of figured....What is required, IYO, to fix it?

Also, I've got a policy query with regards to the package I'm putting
together.  If you can't answer this, can you tell me which list I should
post it too?

Basically, I'm taking over the cfs package from non-US.  I've got it all
cleaned up and packaged, but atm I'm not sure that it should be doing some
of the things it is.

These are as follows:

Creates 2 directories in /, one called /crypt (which stores the crypted
directories that are attached using cattach) and one called /.cfsfs (which
is an empty directory of mode 0, only to use as a bootstrap point for NFS).
Note that the directory names are currently customisable via the postinst, but
they are not removed when the package is (however a message is printed 
informing the user to remove them themselves).

The postinst modifies the /etc/exports file to add a 2 lines as follows

# Automatically added for use by cfs
/.cfsfs localhost(rw)  # Cryptographic Filesystem export

Then '/etc/init.d/nfs-server reload' is called.
These lines are removed during a purge by regex matching.

If you like, a preliminary version of the package is at:


It has no debian docs, but it is lintian clean, except for the following 
W: cfs: unknown-section non-us

Thanks again for your time joey.




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