On Sat, Oct 24, 1998 at 08:26:33AM +0200, Ole J. Tetlie wrote:
> | I've got a package that has no man page. I've some spare time 
> | and would like to write it. The question is now: how should I do 
> | that? What tools do you recommend? Where should I start reading 
> | about these tools?
> A good way to start is to install doc-linux-{text|html} and read
> /usr/doc/HOWTO/mini/Man-Page.gz (or the html version).

Thanks for the reference, I've been meaning to write a few myself when
bored.  =>  (that's your cue to flee in terror)  I generally suggest the
HTML version because of the hyperlinks.

Also a small webserver such as boa and dwww is a good idea.  Fastest way to
get a uniform document format there is IMO, even if HTML is kinda a lowest
common denominator.

> As for tools; emacs == friend.

Ick.  Any text editor should do it.

Show me the code or get out of my way.

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