> people would buy an official Debian CD for 500 $. The more people know about
> the idea of Free Software, the less likely is such behaviour.

like said, the true problem is not on selling CDs, but on using the product in 
their own product, without giving some of the benefits back to the people who 
made it.

this is ok for people who code the thing as part of their hobby, and don't need 
to live from it, but that coudl mean in the future most of the software will 
be written, by people doing IS management, and then writting freeware between 
two reboots of NT servers.

and then most universities make money from deals with big companies to use 
their software designs, what will happen to that if they just release 
everything to GPL, ? I just read somewhere that they are less CS graduates 
every year, this will not help i
in that. will the free software movement be the death of computing like we know 
it today ?



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