On Thu 10 Sep 1998, Turbo Fredriksson wrote:
> Paul Slootman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The problem with this is that it will only work for people just installing
> samba, not the ones that have been using if for years... (like me)

OK, I gave in and added a dialog to the postinst.

> > The first is the oneliner description that's e.g. shown on the main
> > dselect list of packages, while the second line is the first line of the
> > longer description shown in the bottom part of dselect. It looks a bit
> > strange in the control file, but isn't this done in other packages as
> > well?
> The 'one-liner' still show upp in the main (larger) window...

Yes, but then it's more clearly a title. I've left it as-is for the time
being, I'll think about it for a next release.

Anyway, I've gone ahead and uploaded it. Thos of you who've been
beta-testing it for me, note that it's moved from /usr/X11R6/bin to
/usr/bin, as a result of discussions on debian-policy (the general
tendency seems to be to have stuff which uses X but isn't part of it,
outside the X11R6 tree).

Now I hope for a calm weekend before the bug reports start rolling in

Paul Slootman
http://www.wurtel.demon.nl | Murphy Software,   Enschede,   the Netherlands

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