I am in the process of packaging linbot - a python script to do link verification. I have a few questions -
1. linbot.py and associated *.py files need to be installed in the same directory. I was thinking of installing these under /usr/lib/linbot/ Is this the Right Thing to do? 2. I will ln -s /usr/lib/linbot/linbot.py /usr/bin/linbot Is this compliant with the Debian packaginh policy? Should the symbolic link be relative? I don't think it should be absolute. 3. Should debian/rules or makefile create the symbolic link? Or should that part be done by postinst? 4. If I want to set / appened to an environment variable (PYTHONPATH) globally for the entire system, where (which files under /etc) would I do it? Should postinst do it? If so, there is the whole problem of variations between the numerous shells. Or should I leave it to the user? Thaths -- Admiration, n.: Our polite recogonition of another's resemblence to ourselves. -- Ambrose Bierce, "The Devils Dictionary" Sudhakar C13n http://people.netscape.com/thaths/ Indentured Slave