>>"Andrew" == Andrew M A Cater \[Andy\] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

 Andrew> I've just redone the lam-61 package using debhelper.  
 Andrew> Problem: the source ships with a large tar file of patches.
 Andrew> Solution: prepatch the source with the untarred patches. Is this OK?

        I think so.

 Andrew> Problem: this package has an overlapping man page with mpich
 Andrew> [another implementation of message passing for clusters].
 Andrew> The two man pages are widely different: is it OK just to make
 Andrew> lam conflict with mpich if this is already installed.
 Andrew> Where do you set up the conflicts header.

        Is the man page the only source of conflict? Seems a bit much
 to create a conflict for just a man page, if the packages would not
 toherwise interfere.

 Andrew> Problem: As well as the man pages, there are also various large
 Andrew> documents in PS format: one is main docs, one is various papers
 Andrew> regarding performance etx.  The docs have been gzipped.

 Andrew> Do I 

 Andrew> Ignore these and refer people back to the upstream site for more
 Andrew> extensive documentation ?
 Andrew> Place these in their own subdirectory under /usr/doc/lam/postscript?
 Andrew> Untar/zip them and convert the PS to ASCIi ??

        Umm, no.
        Consider creating a lam-doc package that contains all these
 postscript files, which may remain gzipped. So people can install the
 docs, print 'em out, and remove the package; (or keep the docs on one
 machine out of several, or if they know the package well, not even
 bother with the docs).

        Converting from PS to ascii is seldom satisfactory, and is
 work that you would have to do with every upgrade. Not a good
 idea. Create the separate lam-docs package, and be done with it ;-)

 It is not just by means of morality and religious observances, not by
 great learning nor by attainments in meditation, nor by living alone,
 nor by thinking,"I am enjoying a spiritual happiness which ordinary
 people do not know" that a bhikkhu achieves peace if he has not
 achieved the elimination of inflowing thoughts. 271, 272
Manoj Srivastava  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <http://www.datasync.com/%7Esrivasta/>
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