
I am working on packaging wxftp. From the source, I want to create
wxftp-gtk, wxftp-doc (and later wxftp-dmotif and wxftp-smotif).

I started with gtk and doc to check out how to do this.

The controlfile looks like this:

Source: wxftp
Section: non-free/net
Priority: optional
Maintainer: Martin Bialasinski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Standards-Version: 2.4.1

Package: wxftp-gtk
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}
Suggests: wxftp-doc
Description: A graphical ftp programm with GTK interface

Package: wxftp-doc
Architecture: any
Suggests: netscape3 | netscape4 | lynx | www-browser
Description: Documentation for for wxftp, used for the help menu

After some steps in the rules file, I have the debian/tmp and
debian/wxftp-doc dirs holding all needed files.

Now I want to build the packages. I tried debstd -m README README.source
TODO, but this will copy the files to debian/tmp/usr/doc/wxftp and not to
wxftp-gtk. I also don't get the copyright, README.debian and
changelog.Debian.gz in the wxftp-doc directory (I assume these files belong 
in all packages created from the source).

The output generated is:
- Installing Documentation
** Package wxftp-doc
-- Checking for executable binaries in package
No executables or libraries in the package!
-- Checking Symlinks
no utmp entry available, using value of LOGNAME ("root") at 
/usr/lib/dpkg/controllib.pl line 16.
no utmp entry available, using value of LOGNAME ("root") at 
/usr/lib/dpkg/controllib.pl line 16.
no utmp entry available, using value of LOGNAME ("root") at 
/usr/lib/dpkg/controllib.pl line 16.
dpkg-deb: building package `wxftp-doc' in `../wxftp-doc_0.3.1-1_i386.deb'.
** Main Package wxftp-gtk
-- Checking for executable binaries in package
usr/X11R6/bin/wxftp-gtk ELF Binary
DEBIAN/postinst Script
DEBIAN/postrm Script
-- Figuring out dependencies of ELF objects
no utmp entry available, using value of LOGNAME ("root") at 
/usr/lib/dpkg/controllib.pl line 16.
-- Compressing/Converting Manpages
-- Compressing Documentation
-- Checking Symlinks
--------------- debstd processing finished --------------
dpkg-gencontrol -pwxftp-gtk
no utmp entry available, using value of LOGNAME ("root") at 
/usr/lib/dpkg/controllib.pl line 16.
no utmp entry available, using value of LOGNAME ("root") at 
/usr/lib/dpkg/controllib.pl line 16.
no utmp entry available, using value of LOGNAME ("root") at 
/usr/lib/dpkg/controllib.pl line 16.
chown -R root.root debian/tmp
chmod -R go=rX debian/tmp
dpkg --build debian/tmp ..
dpkg-deb: building package `wxftp-gtk' in `../wxftp-gtk_0.3.1-1_i386.deb'.
dpkg-gencontrol -pwxftp-doc
no utmp entry available, using value of LOGNAME ("root") at 
/usr/lib/dpkg/controllib.pl line 16.
no utmp entry available, using value of LOGNAME ("root") at 
/usr/lib/dpkg/controllib.pl line 16.
no utmp entry available, using value of LOGNAME ("root") at 
/usr/lib/dpkg/controllib.pl line 16.
chown -R root.root debian/wxftp-doc
chmod -R go=rX debian/wxftp-doc
dpkg --build debian/wxftp-doc ..
dpkg-deb: building package `wxftp-doc' in `../wxftp-doc_0.3.1-1_i386.deb'.

So, how do I call debstd the right way? The manpage says, debstd will do 
the right things automatically.


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