>>>>> On Thu, 9 Apr 1998 15:14:33 +0200, Rainer Clasen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
 Rainer> Hi!  Carey Evans ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 >> I've gotten the impression that the best way to do it is to use
 >> *pristine* uptream source, which means that the .orig.tar.gz is
 >> really the tar file you downloaded.  The changes should all be in
 >> the (automatically generated) .diff.gz.

 Rainer> Does this also apply to tar.gz's which contain precompiled
 Rainer> binaries?

 Rainer> I'm not sure whether it was correct to delete those binaries,
 Rainer> when I made a local tpqic02 package (support for the dynamic
 Rainer> QIC-02 kernel driver).

I, personally, would have deleted the binaries and therefore made it
non-pristine.  No reason to bulk up the source with a binary IMO.

@James LewisMoss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> |  Blessed Be!
@    http://www.dimensional.com/~dres   |  Linux is cool!
@"Argue for your limitations and sure enough, they're yours." Bach

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