Matthew Wilcox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Personally, I would choose OpenBSD.  They splintered from NetBSD a couple
> of years ago, and they have spent that time making their utilities more
> secure.  I favour security over speed or size.

It also seems to be the one favoured by SNI, who post a number of
security advisories to BugTraq.  Their BSD lpd advisory says:

> iv.  Install a fixed version of the BSD print software.  A fixed version
>      of the BSD print software is availible at the following ftp site:
>      This package fixes numerous other problems present in the BSD
>      printing suite, including numerous buffer overflows present in both
>      the client programs and the server.  This package has been
>      provided by OpenBSD.
         Carey Evans

          GNU GPL: "The Source will be with you... always."

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