On 2 Feb 1998, Kirk Hilliard wrote:

> OK, here is my first bunch of question.
> 0. BTW, I built my packages in what I assume is the standard way.  I
>    ran deb-make, edited the files in debian/ and ran build.  Should I
>    be doing something differently?  I am not quite comfortable with
>    this level of automation, since I don't know what it all does yet.

deb-make/debstd are sort of getting phased out in favor of the debhelper
applets which provide greater control and granularity in the debian/rules
file.  You don't have to use anything special however, it's all a matter
of personal preference (I use debhelper for my new stuff but have some
older debmake'd packages I haven't gotten around to updating).

> 1. Where does buildinfo.Debian come from, and does it really belong?

It's generated by debstd.  It is small and is sometimes useful for
figuring out glitches with the major tools.

>    OK, I assume that build (or dpkg-buildpackage or debstd or
>    whatever) makes it, but I can't find this file mentioned in any of
>    the documentation.  If it is something that we are encouraged to
>    include in the .deb, then why isn't it mentioned in the Policy or
>    Packaging manual?

Mostly because debstd is the only thing that generates it and it is being
depreciated (by the original author).

>    It lists the version of packages containing various development
>    tools.  But for my packages makeinfo is an important tool, and
>    tetex-bin is not listed in buildinfo.Debian.  Should I do something
>    to include it?

No way I know to change it.

> 2. Do I need to do something special because I use makeinfo to build
>    the packages?
>    makeinfo is from tetex-bin which is a "Standard" package.  Might it
>    not be considered a standard development tool, and do I need to
>    document its use somewhere?

makeinfo is hardly a program that is difficult to find or work with.  If
you use more exotic tools it's nice to document somewhere what tools are
needed to build the package.

> 3. Why doesn't debstd gzip README.debian?
>    Well, why doesn't debstd gzip README.debian?  It does gzip the
>    documentation mentioned on the "debstd" line of the debian/rules
>    file.

Debstd uses a threshold size on what to compress and what not to.  This
may or may not be considered a bug.

> 4. Should I edit the README to remove build information?
>    Section 5.3 "Additional documentation" of the policy manual says:
>      It is often a good idea to put text information files (READMEs,
>      changelogs, and so forth) that come with the source package in
>      /usr/doc/package in the binary package. However, you don't need to
>      install the instructions for building and installing the package, of
>      course!
>    If the source package includes a README which contains some useful
>    information, but which mostly talks about the build process, should
>    I include it in its entirety, or may I edit out the build
>    instructions?

Don't change upstream documentation like READMEs and such.  If all they
detail is the compilation/installation process (like the INSTALL included
with many GNU packages) you can leave them out, otherwise include them

> 5. What happened to the "Section" and "Priority" fields?
>    My debian/control file includes these lines:
>      Section: doc
>      Priority: optional
>    but these fields are missing from control file of the .deb package.
>    What happened?

dpkg-buildpackage -isp will include those values.

> 6. Why does `dpkg -I *.deb' say "new debian package"?
>    When I run `dpkg -I *.deb' on my packages, the first line is:
>      new debian package, version 2.0.
>    Why?  I didn't put anything in the control file to indicate that it
>    is a new package, and there is a previous entry in the
>    debian/changelog file.

That just specifys the type of the packaging format (the new 2.0 .deb
format as opposed to the old one).

> 7. Why do I get *_i386.changes when Architecture = all?
>    My debian/control file includes the line:
>      Architecture: all
>    but after I build I get an emacs-lisp-intro_1.05-1_i386.changes
>    file.  Is this correct since I am building it on a i386 machine, or
>    should it have been *_all.changes?  (The package itself is
>    *_all.deb.)

It's considered acceptable for the changelog to list an arch when the
package is _all.  Mostly cosmetic, but since dinstall on master is the
only thing that cares, you don't need to worry.

> 8. Why is build complaining about "no utmp entry available"?
>    When I build, I am told:
>      no utmp entry available, using value of LOGNAME ("kirk") at
>      /usr/lib/dpkg/controllib.pl line 16.
>    but line 16 follows this line:
>      if (!defined (getlogin ())) { 
>    and getlogin seems to work for me:
>      $ perl -le 'print getlogin()'
>      kirk
>      $
>    Does this have something to do with fakeroot?

Actually it is suspected to be a bug in libc6.  It is however, completely
harmless when building your package, you don't need to worry about it.

Scott K. Ellis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                 http://www.gate.net/~storm/

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