This isn't directly a Debian packaging question, but it's related, and it may 
at some point in the future become a packaging question.

I'm taking on maintainership of a very large and gnarly project, a compiler 
toolchain. Parts of the toolchain need other parts to build.

Some parts require *themselves* to build. For example, there's a Bison-like 
parser generator called llgen whose input scripts are parsed using an 
llgen-generated parser.

How does Debian deal with packages like this? I need to replace the build 
mechanism (the current one is being problematic), and as one day I'd like to 
make a Debian package of all of this, I want something that's 

Is there any better way of going about it than to just check a pre-built 
version of the parser into CVS?

+- David Given --McQ-+ "I smell a rat; I see him forming in the air &
|  [EMAIL PROTECTED]    | darkening the sky; but I'll nip him in the bud."
| ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) | --- Sir Boyle Roche
+- --+ 

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