On 20.06.05, Reinhard Tartler wrote:
> Please note that cube has licensing issues. The game engine itself is
> zlib, but nearly all media files are not redistributable.

Also, the free version of Cube uses a different network protocol than
the binary version that is available from cubeengine.com for
"cheating prevention". A Debian packaged Cube would thus be incompatible
to most running servers -- only until most servers use the Debian package,
of course ;) 

> The engine is itself will only run in i386, porting to amd64 (and other
> arches) is nontrivial.

It is working on Linux/PPC and some PDAs.

> The author also refuses to accept any patches, because
> he considers cube as 'his baby'.

This has fortunately changed with Cube's successor "Sauerbraten".

        René van Bevern
                Progn.org, Pro-Linux.de

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