A package that installs /usr/lib/libspf-1.0.so.0.0.0 should be names
libspf-1.0-0 from all I can tell. The policy does not dictate how
the -dev (and -doc) package should be named. I would prefer not to
call it libspf-dev but rather encode the version.

The library packaging guide says I should include the SONAME in the
name (libspf0-dev), but this seems wrong to me. Shouldn't the name
rather include the 1.0 used by upstream?

In the case of a change in the ABI due to gcc, the -dev package can
still be reused.

If the upstream releases version 2.0, which is neither ABI nor API
compatible, a new -dev (libspf-2.0-dev) package can be made
available while the previous version of the library can still be

How should I name the -dev and -doc packages?

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