On 04-Jun-2005, Dafydd Harries wrote:
> If there is indeed a licence problem here, I can see two main solutions:
>  - Try to get libyaz in Debian to link against GnuTLS instead of
>    OpenSSL.

This is the cleanest solution in the long term. GnuTLS is explicitly
designed to be a GPLed TLS and SSL library. It does involve more work
up fron though.

>  - Get the maintainer of Alexandria to make an exception for linking
>    against OpenSSL.

This is simpler in the short term, if you can get such an change
agreed with the upstream copyright holder and word it correctly. It
results in confusing license cruft (well-trod confusing license cruft,
but ultimately just extra license baggage).

 \           "We spend the first twelve months of our children's lives |
  `\          teaching them to walk and talk and the next twelve years |
_o__)        telling them to sit down and shut up."  -- Phyllis Diller |

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