On Saturday 21 May 2005 4:14 pm, punx120 wrote:
> To work, my software needs the library FMOD (www.fmod.org), and there is
> no debian package for this library.

I have a similar situation - my package that I hope will allow me to become a 
new DD depends on changes I've made to an existing library and I need to 
assist in packaging that to get my own package built.

So take a leaf from that book and find a library that you perhaps already know 
or use - most programs use more than one library and you've probably got some 
that you need which already exist in Debian. Download the source of the 
library and take a look at the debian files.

Alternatively, you can build the library into your own package but that may 
not be suitable.

> So i would like to build one, but in the documentation i don't see
> anything. The installation of the library is very simple. There is only
> one so file, three *.h.

The new developer documentation concentrates on executables as it deems 
libraries unsuitable for new developers.

> SO I'm looking forward for web pages to help me.

Probably someone to help you, actually. See if you can get a sponsor for the 
library (have you done an ITP for the library?), see if there is an existing 
maintainer who might help you.


Neil Williams

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